Forside -> Arrangementer -> Arkiv -> IDD 2009 -> Program

To fluer med eet smæk: 10 års jubilæum & IDD 2009


Arrangementet er afholdt
(blev afholdt onsdag, 17. juni 2009, kl. 7:00-16:00)

Ambient Intelligence: Opportunities and Challenges for HCI

Joelle CoutazAbstract

Ambient Intelligence promises unprecedented empowerment from the flexible and robust combination of software services with the physical world. As a result, people will be able to shape their own interactive spaces and build imaginative new forms of interaction and functionalities that were not anticipated by system designers. In this talk, Joëlle examine some of the implications of this view on HCI.

Joëlle Coutaz

Joëlle Coutaz is professor at University Joseph Fourier and the founder, and director, of the HCI Group at laboratory CLIPS (Communication Langagière et Interaction Personne - Système). She is the author of the PAC model, a conceptual software architecture model for interactive systems. Her core research interests concern the software aspects of HCI. She has been widely involved in multimodal interaction and software architecture modeling for interactive systems. More recently, she has investigated the concept of plasticity of user interfaces, the notion of context of use, as well as the design and implementation of artifacts that blend the physical and the virtual. She investigates the problem of End-User Software Engineering within the general framework of ubiquitous computing. She has been involved in numerous European projects including AMODEUS1, AMODEUS2, GLOSS, FAME, CAMELEON, NoE SIMILAR and EMODE.

Designing Interactions

Bill MoggridgeAbstract

Digital technology has changed the way we interact with everything from the games we play to the tools we use at work. Designers no longer regard their job as designing a physical object - beautiful or utilitarian - but as designing our interactions with it. In Designing Interactions ( Bill introduces us to forty influential designers who have shaped our interaction with technology. Moggridge, designer of the first laptop computer (the GRiD Compass, 1981) and Cofounder of the design firm IDEO, tells us these stories from an industry insider’s viewpoint, tracing the evolution of ideas from inspiration to outcome. The innovators he interviews have been instrumental in making a difference in the design of interactions. Their stories chart the history of entrepreneurial design development for technology.

Bill Moggridge

Award-winning designer Bill Moggridge is a founder of IDEO, one of the most successful design firms in the world and one of the first to integrate the design of software and hardware into the practice of industrial design. He has been Visiting Professor in Interaction Design at the Royal College of Art in London, Lecturer in Design at the London Business School, member of the Steering Committee for the Interaction Design Institute in Ivrea, Italy, and is currently Consulting Associate Professor in the Joint Program in Design at Stanford University.

Bill's career has had three phases; first as designer, then as a manager of design, and now as a communicator, working as a writer, graphic designer and video maker. His fascination with design, and with what people want from everyday things, has given him a broad view of the information revolution.



Personas - dead or alive?!

Personas blev hurtigt en populær teknik i interaktionsdesign!

I dag har vi mange erfaringer med personas, og vi stiller derfor spørgsmålet: er personas kommet for at blive eller er personas yt? Paneldeltagerne giver en kort en præsentation af, hvordan de arbejder med personas og uddyber hvorvidt og hvorfor de mener, at de arbejder med personas i år 2014.

Paneldeltagerne er:

  • Lene Nielsen fra Snitker & Co,
  • Hans Roed Mark fra Microsoft og
  • Elvi Nissen fra Sirius IT.

Anne Marie Kanstrup fra Aalborg Universitet leder panelet og der vil være rig mulighed for at stille spørgsmål til panelet. Målet er at skabe en diskussion om, hvad vi skal med personas i interaktionsdesign.

Usability evaluering i praksis 1999–2012

I en rap paneldiskussion giver fire erfarne usability specialister deres bud på hvad de har lært om usability evaluering gennem de seneste 10 år, og hvad de forventer sig af den nærmeste fremtid. Diskussionen tager udgangspunkt i en række skarpe spørgsmål fra ordstyreren, f.eks.

  • Red Adair har sagt "The only thing more expensive than hiring a professional, is hiring an amateur". Har vi et kvalitetsproblem i usability evaluering? Hvad gør du konkret for at sikre kvaliteten af dine evalueringer?
  • Hvad er de vigtigste to ting der efter din opfattelse er sket inden for usability evaluering inden for de seneste 10 år?
  • Hvad ønsker du dig mest brændende inden for usability evaluering i de næste 3 år?
  • En anonym udvikler har sagt "Cowboy programmers don't need no stinkin' usability". Hvad gør du når du møder denne holdning?

Paneldeltagerne er:

  • Berit Krickhahn, Userminds
  • Julia Gardner, UNI-C
  • Ole Gregersen, KMD
  • Thomas Visby Snitker, Snitker & Co.
  • Rolf Molich, DialogDesign (ordstyrer og arrangør)

Research Track

CHI 2009 Paper: Non-Universal Usability? A Survey of How Usability Is Understood by Chinese and Danish Users
Præsenteret af Olaf Frandsen-Thorlacius, University of Copenhagen, Denmark

Surveys the perception of usability among 412 Chinese and Danes; argues that culture influences the importance users assign to different aspects of usability.

CHI 2009 Paper: VIGO: Instrumental Interaction in Multi-Surface Environments
Præsenteret af Clemens Nylandsted Klokmose, University of Aarhus, Denmark

This paper presents a novel architecture for multi-surface interaction based on the concept of instrumental interaction. It shows how the architecture supports the implementation of interaction techniques such as pick-and-drop.

CHI 2009 Demonstration: Low-Cost gaze tracker
Presented by Javier San Agustin, IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark

Eye movements might represent the only means of communication for severely disabled people. However, commercial gaze trackers are usually expensive, limiting access to this technology. In this presentation we will present our low-cost, webcam-based gaze tracker and show that our low-cost solution can be as efficient as expensive commercial systems.

CHI 2009 paper: Fisheyes in the Field: Using Method Triangulation to Study the Adoption and Use of a Source Code Visualization
Præsenteret af Mikkel R. Jakobsen, University of Copenhagen, Denmark

This paper contributes insight into professional programmers’ adoption and use of a fisheye interface in real-life work. We discuss field study findings and benefits of combining multiple data collection methods.

Øvrige præsentationer

Usability is dead

James Kelway, Hello Group

UX is not just about building huge coherent web architectures. We have become digital nomads - building tents, rather than building houses, in environments that suit our needs. People no longer inhabit worlds built by designers, but in worlds built by themselves.

Increasingly it is about building applications and understanding how applications interact with each other and their embedded environment. It is about forging relevant links with technologies that are appropriate. Relevance has surpassed usability as the most important factor of web strategy and web design.

Context defines how usable your experience needs to be, and we are steadily moving from interface design to concept design... IA and UX has for many years looked at the web in a traditional one way communications paradigm, where it is all about conveying a message to the end user.

But the Internet is not the new newspaper, the new radio or the new television. The web is actually not a medium at all, if anything it is a paradigm of interaction. It is something completely different which as a discipline we need to demonstrate with an open approach to our design work, that is documented, shared and refined.

Those involved in the field must realize that usability is becoming more bound by context and relevance to individual needs, it cannot be merely prescriptive.

Måling af brugervenlighed
- "You can't control what you don't measure"

Rolf Molich, DialogDesign

Er du mon klar over hvor lang tid brugere er om at udføre de mest almindelige opgaver på dit intranet, f.eks. at finde en oplysning i den elektroniske personalehåndbog? Mange udviklere er i hvert fald ikke. Målinger viser at på nogle intranet er gennemførelsesprocenten så lav som 11 %, og med gennemførelsestider på over 3 min. for opgaver der burde kunne klares på 30 sek.

Rolf Molich har i mange år arbejdet med forskellige aspekter af brugervenlighed, og har nu sammen med Gerry McGovern udviklet en præcis metode til måling af hvor godt konkrete opgaver kan udføres på et intranet. Metoden kan uden videre anvendes på andre produkter end intranet.

Foredraget forklarer hvordan du kan

  • Måle usability af de vigtigste arbejdsopgaver i dit system
  • Bruge måleresultaterne til at opnå væsentlige forbedringer
  • Bevise at forbedringerne tjener sig selv ind ti gange eller mere.
  • Styre udviklingen af dit system ud fra objektive målinger snarere end meninger

Studenterpris 2009

Uddeling af Studenterpris 2009 på kr. 25.000. Prisen, der i år uddeles for femte gang, går til det bedste speciale udarbejdet i 2008.

IDD 2009

Deltagerliste (kun for medlemmer)
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