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CHI 2011 in Denmark

Arrangementet er afholdt
(blev afholdt onsdag, 29. juni 2011, kl. 13:00-16:00)

Danmark var velrepræsenteret på den nyligt afholdte CHI-konference i Vancouver.

For dig, der ikke deltog eller blot gik glip af et af de danske bidrag, har vi nu gjort det muligt, at se/gense følgende af de danske bidrag:


15:00   Welcome

Building Sensitising Terms to Understand Free-Play in Open-Ended Interactive Art Environments

Ann Morrison (speaker) Aalborg University, Aalborg, Denmark
Stephen Viller University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia
Peta Mitchell University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia

In this paper we introduce and discuss the nature of free-play in the context of three open-ended interactive art installation works. We observe the interaction work of situated free-play of the participants in these environments and, building on precedent work, devise a set of sensitising terms derived both from the literature and from what we observe from participants interacting there. These sensitising terms act as guides and are designed to be used by those who experience, evaluate or report on open-ended interactive art. That is, we propose these terms as a common-ground language to be used by participants communicating while in the art work to describe their experience, by researchers in the various stages of research process (observation, coding activity, analysis, reporting, and publication), and by inter-disciplinary researchers working across the fields of HCI and art. This work builds a foundation for understanding the relationship between free-play, open-ended environments, and interactive installations and contributes sensitising terms useful for the HCI community for discussion and analysis of open-ended interactive art works.


GridOrbit - An Awareness System for Increasing Contribution in Volunteer Computing

Juan David Hincapié Ramos (speaker) IT University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark
Aurélien Tabard IT University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark
Jakob E. Bardram IT University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark

The success of a volunteer computing infrastructure depends on the contributions of its users. An example of such an infrastructure is the Mini-Grid, a local peer-to-peer system used for computational analysis of DNA. The speed of analysis increases as more users join the Mini-Grid. However, the invisible nature of such an infrastructure hinders adoption, as it is difficult for users to participate in an infrastructure they are not aware of. This paper introduces GridOrbit, a system designed to increase user awareness, fostering contributions to this infrastructure. We designed GridOrbit using a participatory design process with biologists, and subsequently deployed it for use in a biology laboratory. Our results indicate that the number of contributors to the Mini-Grid increased with the use of awareness technologies. In addition, our analysis presents their motives and behaviors. Finally, a characterization of user interaction with GridOrbit emerged, which enabled us to understand how awareness systems can be better designed. We see GridOrbit as an example of a broader class of technologies designed to create "Infrastructure Awareness" as a means to increase the contributions to technological infrastructures.

16:10   Break

Low Cost Vs. High-End Eye Tracking for Usability Testing

Sune Alstrup Johansen (speaker) IT University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark
Javier San Agustin IT University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark
Henrik Skovsgaard IT University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark
John Paulin Hansen IT University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark
Martin Tall Duke University, Durham, NC, USA

Accuracy of an open source remote eye tracking system and a state-of-the-art commercial eye tracker was measured 4 times during a usability test. Results from 9 participants showed both devices to be fairly stable over time, but the commercial tracker was more accurate with a mean error of 31 pixels against 59 pixels using the low cost system. This suggests that low cost eye tracking can become a viable alternative, when usability studies need not to distinguish between, for instance, particular words or menu items that participants are looking at, but only between larger areas-of-interest they pay attention to.


Sizing Up Visualizations: Effects of Display Size in Focus+Context, Overview+Detail, and Zooming Interfaces

Mikkel Rønne Jakobsen (speaker) University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark
Kasper Hornbæk University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark

Whereas the literature is clear on the benefits of large displays and visualizations, little is known about their combination, that is, how display size affect the usability of visualizations. We describe a controlled experiment where 19 participants used focus+context, overview+detail, and zooming techniques with varying display sizes (13.8, 1.5, and 0.17 megapixels). Participants navigated geographical maps to find specific locations, compare items, and follow routes. Results show that for multi-scale navigation, classic interactive visualization techniques did not benefit from being scaled to a large display: In contrast to the literature we find similar performance on medium and large displays. Across display sizes, overview+detail works the best, in particular for comparing items. Focus+context is relatively more difficult to use at a small display size. We explain these findings and discuss the design of interactive visualization techniques for large displays.

17:30   Networking

Arrangementet afholdes på Auditorium 3, ITU, Rued Langgaardsvej 7, København

CHI 2011 1/2

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